So kindergarden here is claimable from word of mouth again. Again, the stupid admin is good for nothing and another who comes here not to work but vacation. She not doing her job! How can people get away with their concious I really do not know! So we approach the admin and got the information. 2 Kindergarden allowed to register our children for Pre-school. Both are actually near the place where we are staying but I chose, St. Peter's Montessori School. Seen the place. Nap place not as big as Kinderland at Woodlands mart so I didn't put him there over afternoon. I need to do volunteer work and I am ok with it. Besides, I only have to do for them this year only and then next year will be no more. Teacher seems ok but hardly talk. This is Montessori so I guess its normal for them not to talk very much? Their smile eeeeerrr.. doesn't have much feeling in them. Really unlike Kinderland coz I like the friendliness there.

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